Short Answer - Yes! If you have a local business, Facebook should be an essential part of your marketing strategy. Facebook has over 80 million small businesses using Pages to engage customers and drive growth! Is your business utilizing social media to its fullest potential?
For small businesses, Facebook provides the essential targeting option through ads manager. While it may seem difficult due to its rules and algorithm changes, Facebook can be one of the best tools for targeting a specific local audience through paid campaigns.
With so many businesses having a Facebook presence, you'll need to have your page stand out, drawing attention to your small business. Many business owners think, "it's just Facebook - just create something," but the truth is - design plays a critical role (don't worry - we will have a separate blog for you regarding Facebook 101).
Take Facebook very seriously. Having a business page is a great way to learn about your local customers. Marketing is a give-take relationship. Customer Interaction is essential, so having the time to spend on Facebook marketing - will allow you to better understand your consumer. Don't make it complicated. The simpler the post/creative - the happier the user. Business pages allow your customers to convert as soon as they land on your page - if your content isn't boring.
Here is a hint - Every month, 700 million consumers use events when looking for something to
do in their neighborhoods. Start brainstorming some ideas - the global pandemic won't last forever!
If you already have a Facebook business page, please make sure you make it easy
for consumers to find you. Mobile Facebook users have access to a section called "Local." Within this option, consumers will find tons of information about your business: location, hours,
ratings, reviews, and recommendations. Also, follow these five tips below!
Here are five things to add or change to your Facebook business page:
1. username.
Make sure your Facebook page has a valid username. What exactly is this? The name that shows up after in your search bar. Need help updating? Follow these steps!
2. cover photo.
This is the initial stamp to your business page success - it's also the most significant photo across the page's top. Make sure the FB cover grabs attention, is high-quality, and showcases your products or services somehow. If you update this feature, make sure you check what it looks like on your phone.
3. call to action.
Call to Actions are essential for your business. An excellent conversion metric if you're trying to build sales or leads. Give your customers many ways possible to interact with your business. What are the options? Shop now, call now, send message, learn more - to name a few.
4. posting.
Just don't overdo it. No - posting more frequently will not drive visibility. Facebook is all pay-to-play. But, visual content is KEY! Visual appealing posts are 40X more likely to be shared on social. Be CREATIVE, stay INSPIRED, and be CAREFUL - brand guidelines are important (Canva is user-friendly - but not ideal for brand recognition).
5. community management.
Engagement is KING! Engaging with your audience is essential, so don't forget to monitor and respond to your Facebook page comments. Don't just publish a post and come back a week later. Have conversations.
We hope to have gathered enough information for you to take Facebook seriously! When it comes to sales and customer retention - social media should never be overlooked.
Remember - you don't have to do this alone (let's talk), and no, you don't have to hire a big agency to get great results!